
The Deep Import of the Article 370 Verdict: An Analysis

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Posted by Aditya Pratap on 23 Feb 24

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The 2020 Supreme Court judgment upholding the repeal of Article 370 of the Constitution of India is still reverberating in the legal, political and social circles. This extended review delves into the significance of the decision, exploring its nuances, historical context, and potential future implications.

Analysis of the historical and political context:

While the court focused on the legal justification for repeal, it is necessary to consider its historical and political context in order to understand the critical significance of the decision The fundamental position of Article 370 provided it from the peculiar circumstances of Jammu’s Constitutional entry into India in 1947, which aimed to balance the integration of the Jammu with a distinctive identity. In the decades that followed, India’s desire for greater integration and its desire for independence interacted in complex ways, fueling political tensions and separatist movements some observed that it was at the end of these problems that others saw it as a unilateral breach of the Addition Agreement and raised it.

An in-depth dive into constitutional interpretation:

The Court’s interpretation of Article 370(3) is a major point of contention. A majority vote empowers the President to unilaterally dispose of the matter on the advice of the Union Cabinet without consulting the J&K State Legislative Assembly. This interpretation departs from previous decisions and raises concerns:

Federalism: Giving the central government unfettered power to amend the national constitution the situation sets a precedent that could upset the country’s balance of power.

Transparency and Accountability: Bypassing the state legislature circumvents democratic processes and raises questions about transparency and accountability in decision-making.

Destruction of autonomy: This decision can be seen as undermining the existing autonomy of J&K and destroying the spirit of the Union Alliance.

Impact on J&K: Beyond legal and technical issues:

The impact of the environment on JF extends to both legal and technical issues. What this means is:

Right to land and settlement: The sale of land to non-residents of the State was prohibited due to the special status of Jammu. Repeal raises concerns about potential demographic changes and local displacement.

Social fabric and identity: J&K’s unique cultural and social identity, promoted by its special status, may face challenges and fragilities upon further integration.

Security and Political Status: The controversy surrounding the waiver in Jammu room and the on-going political disagreements pose security challenges and threaten future stability.

Laws relating to Article 370 of the Constitution of India:

Before Abrogation:

Constitution of India:

Article 370: Restricted the application of most provisions of the Constitution to the State and the Union of Jammu was given special status.

Article 35A: Empowered the legislature of Jammu and Kashmir to educate and grant permanent resident status in the state, and granted rights in respect of employment, land ownership and educational rights.

Instrument of Accession: Signed in 1947, it stipulated the conditions for Jammu’s membership in India and laid the groundwork for Article 370.

After Abrogation:

The Constitution (Function of Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 2019: Issued by the President under Article 370(3), most of the provisions of this Order were repealed and Jammu and Kashmir were merged with the rest of India.

Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019: Divides the former state into Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

Union Acts: After repeal, most of the Union Acts now apply to the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. However, some exceptions and modifications remain, reflecting the unique regional context.

High Court and Supreme Court judgments: These continue to play a role in the interpretation and application of relevant laws in J&K and Ladakh.

Other terms and conditions: Various rules and policies in government govern specific aspects of life in J&K and Ladakh, including land ownership, right to residence, security and economic development

Current Status:

After the repeal, several petitions challenging the legality of the act and its implications are still pending in the Supreme Court.

The legal and political landscape in Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh is complex and evolving, with on-going debates and developments on issues such as national restoration, rights and autonomy

International Perspectives beyond National Borders:

Repealing internationally has not gone unnoticed. Concerns have been raised about human rights, self-determination and compliance with international law. India’s claim that the issue is purely internal faces scrutiny from the international community, especially given the disputed territorial status of the Jammu Union. The implications of the decision for India’s international status and engagement need to be carefully considered.

The way forward:

The decision leaves many questions unanswered. The long-term consequences on the political and social order of Jammu and Kashmir remain uncertain. The potential economic benefits of integration must be balanced against the social and political costs. Furthermore, its implications in terms of federal unity and power-sharing need further discussion to ensure a vibrant and balanced parliamentary system.


The Article 370 decision is not a mere legal declaration; it’s a waterfall with far-reaching legal, political and social consequences. After seeing the profound implications of the immediate legal implications, it is important to consider the possible consequences for Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian federalism international relations and various branches of democracy. 

Aditya Pratap is a lawyer and founder of Aditya Pratap Law Offices. He practices in the realm of real estate, corporate, and criminal law. His website is and his media interviews can be accessed at Views expressed are personal.

This article has been assisted by Umang Pandey, a 3rd year law student pursuing B.A.LL.B. from Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida.



Aditya Pratap ~Aditya Pratap