
Maintenance of Wife in Hindu and Muslim Law: A Simple Descriptive Overview

family and matrimony law

Posted by Aditya Pratap Law Offices on 23 Feb 24

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India is a place where many cultures and religions come together. Each group has its way of thinking about and handling money matters, especially when it comes to supporting wives. This article will help you understand how things have been in the past, what the current rules are, and some important court cases that have made a difference, especially in the Hindu and Muslim communities.

Looking Back in Time:

Hindu Law: A long time ago, in Hindu communities, families were seen as the core of society. One of the main beliefs was that husbands should take care of their wives. This wasn’t just a formal rule but a deeply held value that people believed in and passed on to their children.

Muslim Law: In the Muslim community, teachings from their holy book, the Quran, and other important texts like the Hadiths, always emphasized that husbands should support their wives. This was particularly stressed during certain moments, such as after a divorce or if the husband was no longer alive.

Changes in the Law: Just as everything changes over time, so do the laws. Recently, there have been updates to these laws to make sure they meet the needs and protect the rights of everyone, especially women.

A big change happened in 2019 for Muslim women. A new law, called the Triple Talaq Act, was put in place. This law made the practice of instant divorce, where a husband could divorce his wife just by saying “Talaq” three times, illegal. The law also made it clear that after a divorce, wives have the right to financial support from their husbands.

Diving Deeper: Key Court Cases Shaping Maintenance Laws

Hindu Law:

  • Rameshchandra Daga v. Rameshwari Daga (1960): This landmark case set a significant precedent in Hindu maintenance laws. The court, in its wisdom, highlighted a crucial principle: when determining the amount of maintenance for a wife, it’s imperative to consider the husband’s financial capacity. This ensures that the decided amount is not only just but also feasible for the husband to provide, striking a balance between the rights of the wife and the responsibilities of the husband.

  • Savitaben Somabhai Bhatiya v. State of Gujarat (2005): A case that resonates with many contemporary challenges faced by married couples, this judgment emphasized a profound principle. The court underscored that marital discord or separation doesn’t dissolve the husband’s duty to provide for his wife. Even if a couple is living apart due to various issues, the essence of marital responsibility remains intact, ensuring that the wife’s right to maintenance is upheld and respected.

Muslim Law:

  • Shabana Bano v. Imran Khan (2010): This pivotal case marked a significant stride in clarifying the rights of Muslim women concerning maintenance. Addressing a critical lacuna in the understanding and application of Muslim personal laws, the court categorically stated that Muslim women possess distinct rights under specific laws to seek financial support. This judgment was a testament to the evolving nature of Muslim personal laws, emphasizing gender justice and equitable rights for women.

  • Danial Latifi v. Union of India (2001): In a nuanced and comprehensive judgment, the court delved deep into the intricacies of maintenance rights for Muslim women. The essence of this landmark verdict was clear: a Muslim woman’s entitlement to financial support is not transient or short-lived. Instead, it endures, ensuring that she receives support based on principles of fairness, justice, and equity. This judgment reaffirmed the enduring nature of a woman’s right to maintenance, transcending temporal constraints and upholding the essence of justice.

A Detailed Comparison: Maintenance Laws in Hindu and Muslim Traditions

Legal Foundations: Hindu and Muslim communities, two of India’s largest religious groups, have distinct legal frameworks when it comes to maintenance.

  • Hindu Maintenance Laws: These are well-defined and rooted in specific legislative acts. A prime example is the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. This act provides a clear roadmap, setting out the rights and responsibilities concerning maintenance. It offers a structured approach, making it easier to navigate and understand for those within the community.

  • Muslim Maintenance Laws: In contrast, the maintenance laws within the Muslim community are less codified. Instead of a singular comprehensive act, these laws have evolved over time, drawing from the Quran, Hadiths, and various judicial interpretations. The richness of this tradition lies in its adaptability and the depth of its historical context.

Factors Influencing Maintenance Amount: Determining the right amount for maintenance is a crucial aspect, and the criteria vary between the two traditions.

  • Hindu Perspective: The Hindu framework considers a holistic set of factors. It takes into account the husband’s income, ensuring that the amount decided upon is fair and equitable. Simultaneously, it also considers the specific needs and requirements of the wife, ensuring she can maintain a standard of living that is in line with what she experienced during the marriage.

  • Muslim Perspective: Muslim traditions have a somewhat different approach. While the wife’s needs and the standard of living during marriage are essential considerations, the primary focus often rests on the husband’s ability to provide. This approach stems from the belief that the husband holds the primary responsibility for the family’s financial well-being.

Recipients of Maintenance Support: Another distinguishing factor between the two traditions is the scope of individuals eligible for maintenance.

  • Hindu Framework: Hindu maintenance laws have a broader scope. They encompass not only wives but also extend to cover children and, in some cases, even dependent elderly parents. This comprehensive approach reflects the broader familial responsibilities ingrained in Hindu traditions.

  • Muslim Framework: In the Muslim context, while the husband’s responsibility towards his wife is paramount, especially during significant life transitions like divorce, the focus remains primarily on the wife. The laws emphasize ensuring that she is adequately supported, recognizing the challenges she may face during such times.

Understanding Maintenance Rights for Husbands in India

In India, when we talk about financial support or maintenance in marriages, the common belief is that it mostly favors wives. While wives indeed have clear rights to maintenance, what about husbands? Let’s explore the rights husbands have under Indian law.

Maintenance refers to the support needed for basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. In marriages, either the husband or wife can provide this financial support.

Under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955:

  • Section 24: This allows a husband to claim maintenance during the legal proceedings (Pendente Lite). If a husband doesn’t earn enough for his basic needs and the legal expenses, he can ask his wife for financial help, provided she has the means.

  • Section 25: This section permits a husband to seek permanent alimony and maintenance. The amount is decided based on various factors, including the wife’s income and assets.

The court can adjust these orders based on changing circumstances. For example, even if both parties agree not to seek maintenance during a divorce, the court can still decide based on their situation.

However, there are conditions. A husband can’t simply claim maintenance if he’s capable of earning but chooses not to. He needs to prove that he genuinely can’t work due to reasons like disability.

Legal cases have set precedents:

  • In a 2017 Kerala High Court case (Nivya V M v. Shivaparsad M K), it was stated that a husband shouldn’t get maintenance if he can work but chooses not to.

  • Similarly, the Bombay High Court, in a 1992 case (Kamelandra Sawarkar v. Kamelandra), mentioned that a husband shouldn’t entirely rely on his wife’s income if he’s capable of working.

To illustrate, in the case of Rani Sethi v. Sunil Sethi, the court decided that the wife should pay maintenance and additional amounts based on the specific circumstances.

While several laws in India provide maintenance rights to wives, like The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, and The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, only the Hindu Marriage Act explicitly gives husbands the right to claim maintenance from their wives. Some argue that this makes the law more gender-neutral. However, there have been debates, with some questioning the fairness of certain provisions.

In essence, while the Indian legal system primarily focuses on providing support to wives, it also recognizes situations where husbands may need financial assistance and offers provisions accordingly.


To wrap things up, how Hindu and Muslim communities view and implement maintenance for wives reflects their deep-rooted beliefs and histories. Both aim to ensure fairness and support, but their methods and nuances differ. As India continues its journey forward, it’s crucial to ensure that traditions uphold the rights, fairness, and well-being of all its citizens. The evolving legal landscape seeks to strike this delicate balance, respecting age-old traditions while embracing modern values.

Aditya Pratap is a lawyer and founder of Aditya Pratap Law Offices. He practices in the realm of real estate, corporate, and criminal law. His website is and his media interviews can be accessed at Views expressed are personal.

This article has been assisted by Ayush Srivastava, 5th year law student pursuing a B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) from Amity Law School, Lucknow

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